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제 2 호 SMU, Selected for International Youth Leaders Exchange Support Project

  • 작성일 2019-06-01
  • 좋아요 Like 1
  • 조회수 9506

Kicker: SM NEWS

SMU, Selected for International Youth Leaders Exchange Support Project

by Eugene Ha, Cub-Reporter


  The International Youth Leaders Exchange Support Project has been a project of the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family and the Korea Youth Activity Agency since 2017. It supports exchanges between domestic university students and foreign students staying in Korea. It aims to enhance mutual understanding between countries and strengthen international capabilities of university students. This year 15 universities nationwide has been selected to run the ‘2019 International Youth Leaders Exchange Support Project’ including Sangmyung University.

  The International Youth Leaders Exchange Support Project is an exchange program conducted by local universities aimed at promoting friendship and cooperation between domestic students and foreign students. It provides an educational environment to be a global talent person who our country is looking for, and university students from various countries can meet to learn from each other and develop their international capabilities.

  Starting in May, about 1,400 recruited participants including domestic students and foreign students staying in the country from each of the 15 selected universities will participate in various programs. This year's project will be carried out with a specialization program by each university, dealing with the characteristics of operating institutions or regions in question, and global issues. In the case of HUFS (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies), the program will be held under the theme of 'Korea in the World: Exploring UNESCO World Heritage in Korea'. It is to improve understandings of each other's culture through research and sharing of Korea's cultural heritage, and playing games like the Golden Bell of Cultural Heritage and by discussing ways to carry on the culture.

  Sangmyung University has been selected as one of the operating institutions for the third consecutive year, following the 2017 Korea-China Youth Exchange Support Project and the 2018 International Youth Leader Exchange Support Project. Last year, the students who participated in the program 2018 Korea-China-Vietnam history relationship showed great satisfaction and won the Minister's Award of the Report on International Youth Leaders Exchange Support Project. 

Sangmyung University won the Minister’s Award

  International youth leadership exchange programs, in which students from various countries meet and bond with each other, should continue and create opportunities for them to share their own culture and exchange with each other.


